
A modeling methodology is used to relate microscopic solid oxide fuel cell solid-state ionic material properties like electrical conductivity to macroscopic solid oxide fuel cell ECN’s electrical network performance. The methodology is used to analyze the network power output and efficiency of the modeled solid oxide fuel cell systems. While many models could be used for the ECN components, such as the fuel cells, storage, etc., the model chosen in this paper as an example to illustrate the methodology allows heat engine component performance, when included, to be recast solely in electrochemical and electrical network terms. The analysis results in this paper include the power and efficiency responses of the ECN’s of interest, such as multiple solid oxide fuel cells in multi-loop electrical networks, smart grids and microgrids. Energy Conversion Network topology is an important parameter affecting the ultimate network performance of solid oxide fuel cells which the methodology utilized in this paper is best suited to analyze. As part of this methodology, Pspice, a powerful electrical network analyzer, is used to explore alternative solid oxide fuel cell ECN configurations. This methodology is a powerful tool in analyzing the important role solid oxide fuel cells can play in modern grid resiliency.

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