
This article will discuss the derivation and use of a performancemodel, which represents both steam and electric thermal plant cycles ofa cogeneration plant. The plant is rated at 58.2 MW electric and 350 kpphsteam output; it utilizes four boilers and six back pressure turbines andwas commissioned in 1950. The host site is a legacy Department of En-ergy (DOE) complex facility located in the Southeast United States. Thiscomplex, which covers an area of 310 square miles, serves as a nuclearmaterials processing center for the DOE and employs over 10,000 people.The primary focus is OPTIM, a spreadsheet based economic modelthat incorporates a detailed thermal performance map, fixed and vari-able operating costs and electrical purchase contract costs. It can be usedto estimate as well as optimize plant running costs accrued by servingthe site’s steam and electrical demands. This ability allows OPTIM to beused for the analysis of daily economic dispatch or to evaluate variousoperating strategies for providing future steam and electrical demands.A sample application of OPTIM related to operating strategies is dis-cussed.

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