
Performance Measurement System (PMS) is a tool that can assist in decision making and help to measure system application effectively. However, based on initial analysis conducted, it was discovered that the effectiveness of PMS has yet to be measured. Therefore, the effectiveness of PMS is highly questionable. This is strengthened by the fact that PMS has not been fully capitalized. Realizing this, it is essential to measure the effectiveness of PMS as full capitalization of PMS will optimize the usage and help to deliver better result when measuring other system. Based on literature, the effectiveness of a system is usually associated with user satisfaction. High level of system usage is related to the acceptance of the user towards the developed system. To ensure the system meet with user requirement and fully utilize, value co-creation is identified as one of the aspects that should be incorporated in early stage of development. However, initial study conducted indicate that value co-creation was not taken into consideration during the early stage of the development of the PMS. By adopting value co-creation in the early stage of development, it will ensure the user needs are met. Hence, this study is undertaken to inculcate Dialogue, Access, Risk and Transparency (DART) model, a co-creation model into PMS stage of development. As such, an existing framework of PMS is analysed and further enhanced through the insertion of value co-creation. This study will use myPrestasi as a case study as it is one of the pioneer PMSs in Malaysian Public Sector and widely used in MAMPU to assess and evaluate the performance of programs, projects and activities. Furthermore, the effectiveness has not been tested. As literature had proved that development of a service based on co-creation model improves the efficiency and the use of service, therefore the concept applied to the work conducted proves to be the same. By including value co-creation into the framework, it is believed that making PMS a better and more effective measuring system.

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