
Recently there has been a considerable increase in the number of different Key-Value stores, for supporting data storage and applications on the cloud environment. While all these No-SQL solutions try to offer highly available and scalable services on the cloud, they are significantly different with each other in terms of the architecture and types of the applications, they try to support. Considering three widely-used such systems: Cassandra, HBase and Voldemort, in this paper we compare them in terms of their support for different types of query workloads. We are mainly focused on the range queries. Unlike HBase and Cassandra that have built-in support for range queries, Voldemort does not support this type of queries via its available API. For this matter, practical techniques are presented on top of Voldemort to support range queries. Our performance evaluation is based on mixed query workloads, in the sense that they contain a combination of short and long range queries, beside other types of typical queries on key-value stores such as lookup and update. We show that there are trade-offs in the performance of the selected system and scheme, and the types of the query workloads that can be processed efficiently.

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