
In Pakistan Mutual Funds were introduced in 1962, when the public offering of National Investment (Unit) Trust (NIT) was introduced which is an open-end mutual fund. In 1966 another fund that is Investment Corporation of Pakistan (ICP) was establishment. ICP subsequently offered a series of closed-end mutual funds. Up to early 1990s, twenty six (26) closed-end ICP mutual funds had been floated by Investment Corporation of Pakistan. After considering the option of restructuring the corporation, government decided to wind up ICP in June, 2000. In 2002, the Government started Privatisation of the Investment Corporation of Pakistan. 25 Out of 26 closed-end funds of ICP were split into two lots. There had been a competitive bidding for the privatisation of funds. Management Right of Lot-A comprising 12 funds was acquired by ABAMCO Limited. Out of these 12, the first 9 funds were merged into a single closed-end fund and that was named as ABAMCO Capital Fund, except 4th ICP mutual fund as the certificate holders of the 4th ICP fund had not approved the scheme of arrangement of Amalgamation into ABAMCO capital fund in their extra ordinary general meeting held on December 20, 2003. The fund has therefore been reorganised as a separate closedend trust and named as ABAMCO Growth Fund. Rest of the three funds were merged into another single and named as ABAMCO Stock Market Fund. So far as the Lot-B is concerned, it comprised of 13 ICP funds, for all of these thirteen funds, the Management Right was acquired by PICIC Asset Management Company Limited. All of these thirteen funds were merged into a single closed-end fund which was named as “PICIC Investment Fund”. Later on the 26th fund of ICP (ICP-SEMF) was also acquired by PICIC Asset Management Company Limited.

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