
Cloud computing is a distributed commodity system. Authorized users can get access to the virtualized resources on demand over the internet. It refers to the utility computing model. Cloud computing virtualizes system by pooling resources from commodity hardware and supports multi tenancy. It is a highly scalable and flexible virtualized technology is flexible and scalable virtualized technology. Cloud computing provides services on demand over the internet. Users can acquire the required services in a very short time from the cloud. Services provided by the cloud are categorized based on purpose. The cloud provides services like Software as a service (SAAS), Platform as a service (PAAS), and Infrastructure as a service (IAAS). Virtual machines are employed as computing resources for high-performance computing in IAAS. Scheduling of virtual resources and virtual machines (VMs) is the key issue to be handled. Efficient virtual machine allocation is essential for effective utilization of cloud computing infrastructure and increasing resource utilization and efficient deployment of applications in the virtual machine. In this paper performance evaluation of various clustering algorithms for dynamic VM allocation is discussed. The results are verified by simulating the model in workflowsim.

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