
The performance of the conventional activated-sludge reactor (CASR) treating high-salinity, fish market wastewater (212–345 mg biochemical oxygen demand/L) can be enhanced by the addition of phototrophic bacteria (PTB). Under aerobic conditions, the PTB are not capable of synthesizing phototrophic pigments, and the decay rates of PTB in the light and dark follow first-order kinetics with rate constants of 0.187 and 0.229 day−1, respectively. Statistical analyses of kinetic constants k, YT, a, and b indicate that the addition of PTB into the ASR (PASR) improves the treatment efficiency but it does not affect sludge production and the specific oxygen-utilization rate. From parametric sensitivity analyses, substrate effluent concentrations of the CASR and PASR are most sensitive to the parameters θc, k, and YT but least sensitive to the parameter kd. According to model calculation, the predicted biochemical oxygen demand and chemical oxygen demand removal efficiencies of the CASR and PASR are in good agreeme...

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