
Objectives: In Wireless Sensor Network the sensor nodes are having limited energy and the nodes are put in to sense the data in application, where the security is the also one of the goal. A very popular Hierarchical routing protocol LEACH is suggested here with modifications to make LEACH energy efficient and secure, to transfer data with satisfying security goals called confidentiality, authentication and integrity of data received. Methods Analysis: The research targets upgradation in the currently used routing protocol LEACH through simulation managed by NS-2 in sensor networks which are wireless by nature. Aim is to modify LEACH and making it more secured and efficient in energy consumption. Findings: In LEACH the Cluster Head (CH) selection process is based on random approach - with this if the node which is not having sufficient energy will become a CH then it will degrade the performance of WSN as it dies early. Here the energy and vicinity of node is used to choose the CH with sufficient energy. With this approach the node eligible to become the CH will be the Cluster Head and it enhances the performance of traditional LEACH. Because of simplicity LAECH is not having security and authentication of Cluster Member (CM) in the cluster. To carried out secure data transmission between CH and CM here the proposed work uses XOR function and using symmetric key distribution between CH and CM the nodes in respective cluster can be authenticated for selected application where security is the most prime aspect e.g. Military, Medical etc. Improvements: The proposed LEACH becomes energy efficient so lifetime of the network can be prolonged with secure data transmission and authentication. The algorithm enhances the lifetime in CH selection method and saves energy and also sends more no of data packets and more no of nodes is alive in the network for longer time duration. A part of saved energy can be utilized to make LEACH secure using key management and addition of security feature.

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