
The research aims to investigate the performance, pollutant, and wear of a diesel-engine generator fueled with regular diesel (RD) blended with oxygenated additives, ethanol, n-butanol, ethyl acetate, and palm ethyl ester, as compared with RD baseline on 700 hr. Fuels are separately tested in each engine, the same engine specifications and test conditions. Results studied at speeds and full load on 200 hr show that RD mixed with ethanol and n-butanol had better engine performance and lower exhaust emissions than RD blended with other additives and RD baseline. Moreover, the results investigated at constant speed of 3,000 rpm and medium load on 500-hr engine test identify that they were similar to the results of 200-hr engine test. Engine wear results on 700 hr indicate that RD blended with ethanol and ethyl acetate had higher mechanical wear of engine parts than RD mixed with other additives and RD baseline. Especially, fuel injection pressure was reduced by 9% as compared with the engine's guide. Nevertheless, the mechanical wear results from using fuel blends were still acceptable since the engine wear by using fuels were within the specifications of engine's guide.

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