
Two different position based routing algorithms are proposed for the mobile ad-hoc networks in the present work. The present work considers a fleet of fishing trolleys which are the nodes of the mobile ad-hoc networks. The HA POSANT routing algorithm is the home agent position based ant colony routing algorithm. It is executed by the home agent associated with the home network of the fishing trolleys. The Google Map is installed in the home agent to view the real life image of each fishing trolley in the fishing area. The home agent draws a graph by joining the real life image of the fishing trolleys. It uses depth first search algorithm to select an optimal route from the graph of trolleys. The RADAR POSANT routing algorithm is the radio detection and ranging position based ant colony routing algorithm. It is executed by the trolley which is the source node of a session. The source node forwards ant packet towards destination. The destination node selects the optimal route using the ant packets received by it and sends the optimal route to the source node. Both the algorithms select an optimal route for a session before starting transmission of data packets associated with that session. They use route maintenance algorithm to detect whether a trolley associated with an existing route is going out of the communication range during the ongoing session in advance before the existing route fails completely. Such consideration helps to reduce the data packet loss for both the algorithm. The performances of the proposed routing algorithms are compared with the performance of the basic POSANT routing algorithm. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithms have lesser initial path set up time, average packet delay and packet loss than the basic POSANT routing algorithm

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