
Solar modules are being built with nearly the same configuration for decades now. The front is covered with a tempered glass pane. The performance of a PV module can be increased by the texturation of the front side. One of the major requirements for front cover glasses is their high optical transmission. One option to boost transmission is texturing the front surface in a similar manner to crystalline solar cell. Another advantage of a textured glass is the fact that the reflected light beam at normal incidence has a second chance of being transmitted to the solar cell. Furthemore, the texturation of front cover glass might collect more dust and soiling than a flat glass surface. Due to this concern, the soiling effect of module covered with textured cover Alberino P glass after long-term exposed will investigated in this work. The modules presented in this work have the same characteristics in STC (i.e short circuit current, open circuit voltage and maximum power point). Electroluminescence, I-V and P-V characteristic are the method used to detect faults on the PV module. The results show a loss of PV performance with textured cover glass is l,72% higher than the reference module in other hand the increase of serie resistance is also observed in both modules

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