
The paper presents the results of model scale experiments for the study of wave attenuation by horizontal interlaced, multilayer, moored floating pipe breakwater. A review of some significant floating breakwater models proposed by earlier investigators is included. For a floating breakwater the transmission coefficient ( Kt ) is influenced by relative width of the breakwater (W∕L) . Nondimensional graphs indicating the variation of Kt with respect to W∕L (with Hi ∕L as a parameter for different Hi ∕d values) and Kt versus Hi ∕L (for a range of d∕L values from 0.09 to 0.24) have been plotted. Further variation of Kt with relative depth d∕L for different W∕L values is also studied. From the experimental study and results obtained, it is found that the transmission coefficient decreases with an increase in relative breakwater width W∕L and wave steepness Hi ∕L for all Hi ∕d values. In the present study it was observed that performance was better for breakwater configurations of W∕L⩾0.7 when compared with con...

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