
The goal of this study was to evaluate different levels of crambe meal (0, 330, 670 and 1,000 g kg-1 dry matter [DM]) as a replacement for soybean meal in diets supplied to feedlot lambs, and their effects on performance, carcass traits and non-carcass components. Twenty-four castrated lambs weighing 18.2 kg at the beginning of the experiment were allocated in a completely randomized design. Diets were formulated to meet the requirements of the lamb for an average daily gain of 0.200 kg. The roughage:concentrate ratio was 60:40, using Brachiaria dyctioneura hay as roughage. Dry matter intake, feed conversion, average daily gain, carcass traits and non-carcass components were evaluated. There was no effect of different levels of crambe meal replacing soybean meal on performance, carcass traits and non-carcass components, except heart weight. Replacement 1,000 g kg-1 DM of soybean meal protein by crambe meal protein does not affect the performance, carcass traits, or non-carcass components.

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