
Cluster FLDs were organized by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Utukur in rabi bengalgram during three consecutive years of 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 under rainfed vertisols farming situation in an area of 52 ha. at 94 locations. At every demonstration site improved management practices viz. improved variety with high yield potential and drought tolerance (Nandyal sanaga-1), Compartmental bunding (8 m x 5m), Soil test based integrated balanced nutrition: sulphur granules @ 10 kg ha-1, zinc sulphate @ 20 kg ha-1 as basal, biofertilizers like rhizobium, PSB and KSB @ 5 kg ha-1 by incubating in 100 kg of farm yard manure under shade for 15 days, Seed treatment of Trichoderma viride @ 5g kg-1of seed 7. Integrated Pest Management strategies like erection of pheromone traps 20 no. per ha., spraying of NSKE@ 0.5%, bird perches @ 30 no. Per ha and spraying need based pesticides for management of gram pod borer were demonstrated against existing farmers practice of bengalgram cultivation. The bengalgram yields under demonstration practice higher than farmers practice in all the three years. The per cent increase in yield over farmers practice is lowest (5.8 per cent) during 2013-14 and highest (20.9 per cent) during 2015-16 with an average increase of 15 per cent observed in demonstration practice. The average gross returns of three years is Rs. 51533/- per hectare in demo practice, which is 15.5 per cent higher than the farmer’s practice (Rs.44626 per ha). The net returns of Rs.19173/- per ha was recorded under demonstration practice and it was 259 per cent higher than the farmer’s practice (Rs.7393/- per ha). The mean benefit cost ratio of three years of demonstration package higher (1.58) than farmers practice (1.20).

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