
Paraffin wax (PW) is one of promising solar energy storage materials in solar distillers because of its relatively large latent heat with a stable phase change process. However, paraffin’s low thermal conductivity is a negative aspect for its efficient practice. In this study, adding nanomaterial to enhance paraffin’s low thermal conductivity and its performance parameters is examined. Three cases have been investigated and compared to each others, case 1 without PW, case 2 with PW, and case 3 with copper-PW nanocomposite (NCPW). The results showed apparent advantage of nanocomposite on thermal conductivity of PW and that enhanced the heat energy storage and water productivity. The productivity increased by about 125% and 119% for cases 3 and 2, respectively, compared to case 1. The system working time extended during night by 5h and 6h at applying PW and NCPW, respectively. It was also shown that adding nanomaterials to PW can not only increase its thermal conductivity but also the system efficiency and thermal storage capacity.

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