
The Wa Municipality has several developmental challenges such as rapid population growth, high rates of illiteracy, poor environmental sanitation, and poverty. Besidesthe developmental challenges, the Municipality’s average contribution of IGF to its total annual revenue basket is minimal. This has created room for more dependence on external sources for development funds which often fluctuate and are generally on a decline. The study was conducted with the aim of evaluating the prospects of the Wa Municipal Assembly in relation to levels of revenue generation. Primary and secondary data were used for the study. Questionnaires and structured interview schedules were used to collect primary data from 467 respondents within the Municipality. The study shows that the Assembly’s potentials in relation to revenue generation are tourism promotion, investment in agriculture, improving on the database, expanding the revenue base, and taking advantage of the presence of NGOs and CBOs. It is concluded that the Wa Municipal Assembly should properly identify and valuate properties in a timely manner, adopt good resource mobilisation strategies, properly train Revenue Collectors and finally take keen interest in tapping into the prospects identified by the study so as to improve on levels of revenue generation.

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