
This study was conducted to investigate the performance and haemato-biochemical parameters of WAD Does fed crop by-products: Yam peels(T1YP) Cassava peels (T2CP), Sweet potato peels (T3SPP) and Ripe plantain peels (T4RRP) in humid tropical Cross Rivers State of Nigeria. Sixteen (16) twenty (20) weeks old West African Dwarf (WAD) Does with average initial body weights of 7.308 ± 1.41 kg were used. The four crop by-products used were replicated 4 times with 1 Doe per replicate in a completely randomized design (CRD). Feed dry matter intake (FDI), final body weight (FBW), final weight gains (FWG) and feed conversion ratios (FCR) were significantly (P < 0.05) different. The haematological values and blood biochemistry for the WAD Does in all the treatment groups fell within the reference range for normal goats in terms of WBC (4 – 13 x 103 /μL), RBC (8.0 – 18.0 x 106/μl), MCV (16 – 25 fl), MCH (5.2 – 8.0 pg), MCHC (30 – 36 g/dl), Hb (8 - 12 x g/dl), PCV (24 – 48%), PLT (3– 6 x 1011 /L) and GLUC ((2.7 – 4.2 mmol/L), CREAT (59.7 – 134.8 μmol/L), CHOLES (1.54 mmol/L), BUN (32. 25 – 37.30 mg/dl), K (3.8 – 5.7 mmol/L), Na (136.6 – 151.5 mmol/L), CL (100.3 – 111.5 mmol/L), Ca (2.25 – 2.90 mmol/L), P (3.7 – 5.7 mg/dl) respectively. The WAD Does fed T2CP exhibited superior performance characteristics. Consequently, the utilization of crop by-products used in this study has no deleterious effects on the nutritional and health conditions of the WAD Does and is recommended for use in goat production systems. Key words : By-products, Performance, WAD Does, Haematology and Serum biochemistry.

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