
Nowadays, the number of cores on a chip multiprocessor is growing to increase system performance. However, inadequate on-chip interconnection and memory bandwidth have diminished the potential of these chip multiprocessors. High performance interconnects, 3D-stacked main memory, and large on-chip caches are the architectural parameters used to tackle this issue. For a fixed die size, high performance interconnects, and the 3D-stacked memory fosters the increasing rate of the number of cores on a chip multiprocessor whereas increasing the size of on-chip cache poses a restriction. In this work, we study the trade-off between the performance and overall chip area (evaluated using the number of cores, their types and cache size per core) of the chip multiprocessor for different combinations of the interconnection network, DRAM memory (off-chip or on-chip) and self-adaptive page mapping. Our experiments show that for the base-case (chip multiprocessor with the off-chip DRAM and without hybrid interconnect) architecture and without page mapping technique, to increase the core count for a fixed die size, merely shrinking the cache size degrades the performance. Whereas, reducing the cache size and increasing the chip multiprocessor core count along with our considered target architecture and page mapping technique scale up the performance.

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