
Software Defined Network (SDN) is a new concept in networking. This concept separates the control plane and data plane. In the SDN concept, there is a very important component that is responsible for all the rules in the management of all network devices, namely the controller. Because the role of the controller is very important, the performance analysis of the controller needs to be tested, so that we can find out the performance of the controller itself. On networks that have redundant links, looping will occur, to prevent loops on the network, an appropriate method is needed, namely the spanning tree protocol, this protocol can prevent loops from occurring by blocking several ports so that there is only one active path to transmit data. In this research, analysis of POX and RYU controller performance using spanning tree protocol with Quality of Service (QoS) parameters such as throughput, packet loss, delay and jitter. During the test, UDP traffic was streamed with variations in background traffic ranging from 50 to 200 MB. The results obtained are that the RYU controller has a better QoS value with an average throughput value of 3182.197 Kbps, an average packet loss value of 0%, an average delay value of 0.050 ms and an average jitter value of 0.014 ms., from POX which has an average throughput value of 2009.392 Kbps, the average packet loss value is 0.524%, the average delay value is 82.305 ms and the average jitter value is 6.232 ms.

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