
Multipath is a major source of positioning error in high precision navigation applications. Narrow correlator method and Gating signal correlator method are two effective methods for BPSK modulation signals multipath mitigation. In this paper, the mathematic model of multipath error are first established, and then multipath mitigation performance of the BPSK signal and BOC modulation signal are analyzed and simulated based on the narrow correlator method in a comparative way. The simulation results show that BOC signal is better than BPSK signal as for multipath mitigation performance. The consistency between narrow correlator and gating signal correlator method is deduced and proven theoretically. And it is concluded that the BOC code tracking loop phase discriminator function has ambiguity using the gating signal multipath mitigation method, so the gating signal multipath mitigation method does not work for BOC signal tracking code loop phase discriminator. Finally, the correctness of theoretical derivation is verified through simulation.

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