
Diabetes is a major chronic syndrome caused by a series of metabolic abnormalities in which blood glucose levels are abnormally high for an indeterminate amount of time. It influences various organs in the human body, resulting in a variety of complex diseases such as stroke, renal disease, pulmonary embolism, eyesight, and so on. Diabetes Disorders (DD) are presently one of the healthcare top causes of mortality. Predictive analytics in the health care system is a huge obstacle, but if accurate early prediction is achieved, the potential risk and degree of diabetes may be significantly decreased. Machine learning (ML) techniques are now used to analyze medical datasets at an earlier stage of life in keeping people safe. In this research, we utilized several ML approaches notably Logistic Regression, Decision Tree (DT), XGBoost, Support Vector Machine (SVM), K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), and Random Forest (RF) on PIMA Indian Diabetes Dataset in order to monitor and evaluate their performances in diabetes prediction. The performance of the various ML algorithms employed in this research suggests which algorithm is most suitable in diabetes prediction. It is observed that among all the models XGBoost had outperformed the other ML techniques with an accuracy of 80.73% while SVM was the second-best performing model with a classification accuracy of 80.21%. Thus, employing ML techniques, this study aims to assist doctors as well as clinicians in the early detection of diabetes.

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