
In the last few years wireless local area network (WLAN) technology and products have grownunusually. This growth has encouraged many researchers to employ WLAN technology in differentapplication Areas. Recently, using IEEE 802.11 WLAN in industrial automation applications is attractiveand more interesting. However, the currently used medium access mechanism makes WLANs nondeterministicand hence not suitable for industrial real-time traffic. Legacy IEEE 802.11 WLANs wereinitially designed for best effort traffic only and did not provide any QoS support for this kind of traffic.The new amendment IEEE 802.11e standard was introduced and ratified in 2005. It defines the concept ofa Hybrid Co-ordination Function (HCF) at the MAC layer for medium access control. HCF is acombination of HCF Controlled Channel Access (HCCA) with parameterized quality of service (QoS)and Enhanced Distribution Channel Access (EDCA) with prioritized QoS. Enhanced DistributionChannel Access (EDCA) is an enhanced version of Distributed Coordination Function )DCF( mechanismused in the original IEEE 802.11 WLAN. This paper analyze the performance of the EDCA in anindustrial automation network with real-time requirements by means of a simulation with the networksimulator OPNET 11.5 and compares the results with the DCF in terms of latency and throughput invarious scenarios.

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