
Image Encryption is widely used to construct sensitive hidden information through insecure public networks which could only be accessed by the receiver. The plain image is encrypted using chaotic maps and cipher image is produced thereon. Symmetric keys are used for encrypting and decrypting the image. The challenges involved in the image encryption schemes are one dimensional logistic map having periodic windowing, selection of control parameter values, unsuitable key stream generation, more number of rounds in image encryption and image encryption with limited randomness. These issues are properly addressed and solved by using multiple chaotic maps and multiple hyper-chaotic maps through encryption techniques. Image encryption using multiple chaotic maps enhances correlation and entropy level to establish uniform distribution of histogram and differential attack analysis. The performance analysis metrics such as key space analysis, histogram analysis, correlation coefficient analysis, differential attack analysis information entropy analysis etc., are conducted and compared. The experimental analysis proves that the hyper-chaotic map based encryption method is more resourceful than the chaotic based encryption.

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