
The obligation for comprehensive fetal heart rate investigation had driven to improve the passive and non-invasive diagnostic instruments despite the USG or CTG method. Fetal phonocardiography (f-PCG) utilizing the auscultation method met the above criteria, but its interpretation frequently disturbed by the presence of noise. For instance, maternal heart and body organ sounds, fetal movements noise, and ambient noise from the environment where it is recording are the noise that corrupted the f-PCG signal. In this work, the use of discrete wavelet transforms (DWT) to eliminate noise in the f-PCG signal with SNR as the performance parameters observed. It was observing the effect of changes in wavelet type and threshold type on the SNR value. The test was carried out on f-PCG data taken from physio.net. Initial SNR values ranged from -26.7 dB to -4.4 dB; after application of DWT procedure to f-PCG, SNR increased significantly. Based on the test results obtained, wavelet type coif1 with the soft threshold gave the best result with 11.69 dB in SNR value. The coif1 had a superior result than other mother wavelets that use in this work, so the fPCG signal analysis for fetal heart rate investigation suggested to use it.

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