
The dynamics of fish supply for the world population is passing through a moment of decreasing fisheries and increasing aquaculture production, which in Brazil is favored by wide availability of water resources, great variety of species, favorable climate and by increased demand for this protein source. Nevertheless, fish consumption by Brazilian population is still modest, averaging about 9 kg/habitant/year, below the recommended by FAO (12 kg/habitant/year). The objective of the present study was to evaluate the current situation of fish consumption by the population, highlighting the reasons behind such consumption, such as feeding preferences and socio-economic issues. The results indicate a preference for bovine meat (48,5%) and birds (25,2%) before fish (19,2%), as the population consumes fish at a low frequency, regardless of the origin of fish and their acquisitive power. The results also shows that economic and marketing sectors of fisheries and aquaculture should disclose informations about these markets in a more efficient way and stimulate the formulation of new marketing products, aiming at increasing fish consumption by the population. Keywords: fishing; aquaculture; feeding preference.


  • The dynamics of fish supply for the world population is passing through a moment of decreasing fisheries and increasing aquaculture production, which in Brazil is favored by wide availability of water resources, great variety of species, favorable climate and by increased demand for this protein source

  • Fish consumption by Brazilian population is still modest, averaging about 9 kg/habitant/year, below the recommended by FAO (12 kg/habitant/year)

  • The objective of the present study was to evaluate the current situation of fish consumption by the population, highlighting the reasons behind such consumption, such as feeding preferences and socioeconomic issues

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Perfil do consumo de peixes pela população brasileira

O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o panorama atual do consumo de peixes pela população, destacando os motivos por trás de tal consumo, como preferências alimentares e questões socioeconômicas. Os resultados apontam preferência por carnes bovinas (48,5%) e de aves (25,2%) antes da escolha por peixes (19,2%), sendo que a população consome peixes em frequências discrepantes em diferentes regiões, mas em geral em baixa frequência, independentemente da origem do pescado e do poder aquisitivo da mesma. Os resultados também apontam que os setores econômicos e de comercialização da pesca e da aquicultura devem divulgar as informações desse mercado de maneira mais eficiente, assim como estimular a formulação de novos produtos comercializados, visando o aumento do consumo de peixes pela população.

Biota Amazônia
Tipo de Carne
Disposição a pagar pelo peixe consumido
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