
In wireless sensor networks (WSN), nodes are randomly deployed. Most of all protocols in WSN are designed for its random deployment. Projective geometry can be used for the fixed-geometrical deployment of wireless sensor nodes. This strategy can be used for deploying nodes in smart houses, hotels, offices, underground mines etc. For environmental monitoring on large geographical area random deployment is used. In random deployment many redundant sensors are used which increases the cost. In fixed geometrical deployment calculated number of nodes with their exact location can be deployed. This reduces the cost and optimization of network can be achieved. The paper proposes the use of perfect difference set (PDS) - networks in the paradigm of WSN. In PDS - network nodes are interconnected to give minimum number of hops during communication. Any node can send data to cluster head node within a hop count of one or two. The lifetime of WSN with 50 nodes is computed for cooperative routing and is compared with PDS-WSN.

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