
<p>The relation between the three tiers of government in Nigeria has been problematic over the years. Several commissions and committees have been set and recommendations proffered, but up till today there is still fiscal conflict among the tiers of government. The local government being the third tier of government is the worst hit and this has resulted to inability of the local government to carry out its statutory functions effectively. It is in view of this that this study examined inter-governmental relation and the performance of local government in Nigeria. The study adopted survey design, specifically descriptive research was adopted. Data was collected using questionnaire, focus group discussion. Secondary data was generated from government records and Central Bank of Nigeria. The findings revealed among other things that inter-governmental relation has to an extent helped to reduce tension among the three tiers of government in Nigeria. Also the imperfection of 1999 constitution has hampered fiscal relation in the three tiers of government in Nigeria. The study recommended among other things that effort should be made to ensure that all tiers of government adhere to fiscal transparency, accountability and constitutional provisions on fiscal relations.</p>

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