
Perennial legumes have been used as edible or medicinal plants since ancient times. The focus of the current study are perennial legumes-Trifolium pratense L., T. medium L., Medicago sativa L., M. lupulina L., Onobrychis viciifolia Scop., Astragalus glycyphyllos L. and A. cicer L.-of branching stage as a potential source of value-added ingredients for healthy food. Freeze-dried samples were analysed for proximal composition, mineral, isoflavone and coumestrol contents as well as for antimicrobial activity. Legumes were protein-rich (23.0/100g on average). Mineral contents in 100g of plant dry matter averaged: K 2.64g, Ca 1.81g, Mg 0.475g, P 0.324g, Zn 2.76mg and Fe 37.8mg. According to the total amount of phytoestrogens, the species ranked as follows: T. medium (34.4mg/g)≫T. pratense≫O. viciifolia≥M. sativa=A. cicer=M. lupulina≥A. glycyphyllos (0.207mg/g). Extracts of legumes, especially that of O. viciifolia, exhibited noticeable potency to inhibit the growth of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Perennial legumes of branching stage can be used as protein, mineral and phytoestrogen rich source for food ingredients and supplements.

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