ABSTRAKKebutuhan daging, khususnya daging ayam setiap tahun terus meningkat. Tahun 2020 kebutuhan daging ayam sebesar 56.090 ton, tahun 2021 sebanyak 62.708 ton. Peningkatan tersebut menyebabkan semakin banyak rumah potong ayam (RPA) di Kota Pontianak. RPA PD.X merupakan satu diantara rumah potong ayam yang berada di Kota Pontianak dan belum memiliki IPAL untuk mengolah limbah cair yang dihasilkan. Limbah cair RPA mengandung zat organik yang tergolong tinggi sehingga berpotensi mencemari lingkungan. Sampel diambil dengan menerapkan metode grab sample pada pukul 11.00 WIB, selanjutnya sampel air limbah akan diuji di Laboratorium Baristand Kota Pontianak. Debit limbah cair RPA PD.X yang direncanakan sebesar 36 m3/hari. Karakteristik limbah cair RPA PD.X yaitu BOD 317 mg/l, COD 873 mg/l, TSS 160 mg/l, minyak dan lemak 6,9 mg/l, suhu 28,3oC, serta pH 6,23. Kadar BOD, COD, dan TSS melebihi standar baku yang sudah ditentukan yaitu Peraturan Daerah Provinsi Kalimantan Timur Nomor 02 Tahun 2011. Hasil dari perencanaan ini dipilih unit pengolahan yang terdiri atas bar screen, bak ekualisasi, bak sedimentasi awal, bak biofilter aerob, serta bak sedimentasi akhir dengan total luas lahan yang diperlukan sebesar 10 m2. Total biaya yang diperlukan sebesar Rp. 26,304,507.51,-.Kata Kunci: Biofilter Aerob, Limbah Cair, Rumah Potong AyamABSTRACTThe consumption of meat, specifically chicken meat, is increasing regularly. A total of 56,090 tons of chicken meat will be required in 2020, and 62,708 tons in 2021. More chicken slaughterhouses (RPA) were built in Pontianak City as a result of this increase. One of the chicken slaughterhouses in Pontianak City, RPA PD.X, does not yet have a WWTP to handle the liquid waste it produces. RPA liquid waste contains a lot of organic stuff and could harm the environment. The grab sample method was used for sampling, and the wastewater samples were then analysed at the Baristand Laboratory in Pontianak City. RPA PD.X liquid waste will be discharged at a 36 m3/day rate. RPA PD.X wastewater's characteristics BOD 317 mg/l, COD 873 mg/l, TSS 160 mg/l, oil and grease 6.9 mg/l, temperature 28.3 C, pH 6.23. The levels of BOD, COD, and TSS are higher than the established norms,Regional Regulation of the Province of East Kalimantan Number 02 of 2011. The final processing unit, with a total necessary land area of 10 m2, was chosen based on the results of this plan. It consists of bar screens, equalization tanks, initial sedimentation tanks, aerobic biofilter tanks, and storage tanks for final sedimentation. Rp 26,304,507.51 is the total price.Keywords: Biofilter Aerob, Wastewater, Chicken Slaughterhouse
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