
Juniati (C1D4 15 093), “Planning for Library Digitalization at Halu Oleo University Library”. Library and Information Science Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Halu Oleo University. Advisor I Dr. Zulfiah Larisu, S.Sos., M.Si. and Supervisor II La Iba, S.Ip., M.Si. The research objective was to determine the planning for digitalization of the library at the Halu Oleo University Library. The data analysis technique used in this study was carried out descriptively qualitatively. Subjects or research informants totaled 3 people consisting of electronic library managers and librarians. Data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the planning for digitalization of the library at the UPT Library of Halu Oleo University so far has been maximal in terms of network indicators, facilities, human resources and monitoring performance evaluation. But from these indicators, there are indicators that cannot be said to be maximum, namely funding. The funding process that comes from the government in conjunction with the library organizer or the university does not guarantee that the funding process is there every year, while digitalization planning requires a large enough fund to support the process. The funding decision is a serious factor in the process of digitizing the library at the Halu Oleo University Library. Key Words : Planning, Library digitization

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