
Hindu women are living beings who are creations from God or Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa who have many roles in life. Especially women have the virtue of thinking so they are able to deal with all kinds of problems in their lives. With the problems in their lives, women often experience discrimination that befalls them both in their families and in society. Women have special rights that deserve respect, are protected and cherished not to be insulted or harassed. Along with the development of time there have been various forms of change in the globalization experienced mainly by women since long ago. The development of the world of technology and information makes women still considered weak creatures, so that women to maintain their position in the household emerged emancipation of women. In the past, women only had domestic duties in the household, now women can think creatively to have a career in the household without eliminating the domestic tasks that they have. As a result of the influence of globalization experienced by women, women have become more motivated so that they do not miss the times. Women want to be respected and respected so that there is no oppression in the family and women are often considered to be weak creatures even though there are actually strong creatures.


  • Hindu women are living beings who are creations from God or Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa who have many roles in life

  • Women have the virtue of thinking so they are able to deal with all kinds of problems in their lives

  • The development of the world of technology and information makes women still considered weak creatures, so that women to maintain their position in the household emerged emancipation of women

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Tuhan telah menciptakan banyak makhluk hidup didunia ini seperti manusia, hewan dan tumbuh-tumbuhan. Di dunia ini Tuhan menciptakan manusia dengan dua jenis kelamin yaitu laki-laki dan perempuan. Beberapa pihak dari masyarakat berpikir bahwa perempuan tidak pantas untuk bersaing di dunia kerja yang cukup keras, dikarenakan perempuan adalah makhluk yang lemah. Dari hal yang telah terjadi pada ketidakadilan yang dialami perempuan tersebut maka secara khusus di Indonesia telah menugaskan satu departemen yang dapat menampung aspirasi ataupun keluhankeluhan serta memberikan penguatan kepada perempuan yang ada di Indonesia agar dapat terbebas dari ketidakadilan yakni Kementerian Negara Pemberdayaan Perempuan sesuai dengan pasal 27 UUD 1945 yang diperkuat melalui ratifikasi konversi penghapusan segala bentuk diskriminasi terhadap perempuan (Convention on The Elimination of All Form of Diskrimination Against Women/ CEDAW) ke dalam UU No, 7 Tahun 1984 serta Landasan Aksi dan Deklarasi Beijing hasil konferensi dunia tentang perempuan keempat di Beijing pada tahun 1995 (Bantas dkk, 2004 : 2). Adanya bentuk dari ketidak adilan dalam pembakuan peran gender di Masyarakat dibagi menjadi lima yaitu : 1) Marjinalisasi (Pemiskinan Ekonomi), 2) Subordinasi perempuan, 3) Pelabelan atau penadaan (Stereotip) perempuan, 4) Kekerasan fisik dan mental psikologis perempuan, 5) Beban kerja ganda perempuan (Bantas dkk, 2004 : 18-21)

Perempuan Hindu
Perempuan dalam Sastra Hindu
Peran Perempuan sebagai Ibu
Peran Perempuan sebagai Pelaksana Agama
Peran Perempuan dalam Kehidupan Bermasyarakat
Perubahan pada Perempuan Hindu Menjadi Perempuan Karier
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