
Social Engineering of Making Agricultural Road Access in Subak Gunung Kangin Bangli Village Baturiti Subdistrict Tabanan Regency
 Social engineering of making agricultural road access in Subak Gunung Kangin is an effort to overcome the problem of the road that is less good. The success of making access to agricultur roads is interesting to examine by looking at aspects of social capital that support and social engineering processes. The purpose of research to determine social capital owned by subak and social engineering process. The research location is located in Subak Gunung Kangin, Bangli Village, Baturiti Subdistrict, Tabanan Regency. The analytical method used is qualitative descriptive. The results showed that social capital owned by subak supports social engineering (1) trust; The existence of trust among subak members, subak with kerama adat, subak with road initiator and subak with outsiders; (2) social value; The value of togetherness, the value of mutual cooperation, and the value of volunteerism; (3) social networks; The existence of social relations with karma adat, outsiders and local government. While the social engineering process of making agricultural road access is seen from social engineering indicators; (1) cause of internal changes due to lack of access to roads and external changes of opportunity; (2) agent of change is the initiator of the road; (3) target of internal change is subak and external are external; (4) channel of internal change is paum subak and external is negotiation with outsiders; And (5) strategy of change is a personal approach.


  • Subak sebagai lembaga tradisional pertanian memiliki peran penting dalam sektor pertanian di Bali

  • The results showed that social capital owned by subak supports social engineering (1) trust; The existence of trust among subak members, subak with kerama adat, subak with road initiator and subak with outsiders; (2) social value; The value of togetherness, the value of mutual cooperation, and the value of volunteerism; (3) social networks; The existence of social relations with karma adat, outsiders and local government

  • 1. Subak Gunung Kangin memiliki permasalahan akses jalan usaha tani yang kurang memadai sehingga menyulitkan petani dalam mengangkut sarana produksi dan hasil pertanian

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Subak sebagai lembaga tradisional pertanian memiliki peran penting dalam sektor pertanian di Bali. Sektor pertanian sendiri memiliki kontribusi penting dalam pembangunan perekonomian di Bali, dimana sektor pertanian menyumbangkan 18,16% PDRB pada tahun 2014 di Provinsi Bali (BPS Provinsi Bali, 2014). Lebih lanjut dalam SAKERNAS 2007 oleh BPS Provinsi Bali mecatat tenaga kerja yang terserap di sektor pertanian adalah sebanyak 36,06% Melihat pentingnya sektor pertanian dalam pembangunan perekonomian di Bali khususnya di subak, perlu dilakukan usaha dan upaya serta penerapan teknologi baru yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan sektor pertanian.

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