
We address the problem of verifying the temporal safety of heap memory at each pointer dereference. Our whole-program analysis approach is undertaken from the perspective of pointer analysis, allowing us to leverage the advantages of and advances in pointer analysis to improve precision and scalability. A dereference \(\omega \), say, via pointer q is unsafe iff there exists a deallocation \(\psi \), say, via pointer p such that on a control-flow path \(\rho \),p aliases with q (with both pointing to an object o representing an allocation), denoted Open image in new window , and \(\psi \) reaches \(\omega \) on \(\rho \) via control flow, denoted Open image in new window . Applying directly any existing pointer analysis, which is typically solved separately with an associated control-flow reachability analysis, will render such verification highly imprecise, since Open image in new window (i.e., \(\exists \) does not distribute over \(\wedge \)). For precision, we solve Open image in new window , with a control-flow path \(\rho \) containing an allocation o, a deallocation \(\psi \) and a dereference \(\omega \) abstracted by a tuple of three contexts Open image in new window . For scalability, a demand-driven full context-sensitive (modulo recursion) pointer analysis, which operates on pre-computed def-use chains with adaptive context-sensitivity, is used to infer Open image in new window , without losing soundness or precision. Our evaluation shows that our approach can successfully verify the safety of 81.3% (or \(\frac{93,141}{114,508}\)) of all the dereferences in a set of ten C programs totalling 1,166 KLOC.

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