
Using the Monte Carlo simulation, we study the percolation and jamming of oriented linear k-mers on a square lattice that contains defects. The point defects with a concentration d are placed randomly and uniformly on the substrate before deposition of the k-mers. The general case of unequal probabilities for orientation of depositing of k-mers along different directions of the lattice is analyzed. Two different relaxation models of deposition that preserve the predetermined order parameter s are used. In the relaxation random sequential adsorption (RRSA) model, the deposition of k-mers is distributed over different sites on the substrate. In the single-cluster relaxation (RSC) model, the single cluster grows by the random accumulation of k-mers on the boundary of the cluster (Eden-like model). For both models, a suppression of growth of the infinite (percolation) cluster at some critical concentration of defects d(c) is observed. In the zero-defect lattices, the jamming concentration p(j) (RRSA model) and the density of single clusters p(s) (RSC model) decrease with increasing length k-mers and with a decrease in the order parameter. For the RRSA model, the value of d(c) decreases for short k-mers (k<16) as the value of s increases. For k=16 and 32, the value of d(c) is almost independent of s. Moreover, for short k-mers, the percolation threshold is almost insensitive to the defect concentration for all values of s. For the RSC model, the growth of clusters with ellipselike shapes is observed for nonzero values of s. The density of the clusters p(s) at the critical concentration of defects d(c) depends in a complex manner on the values of s and k. An interesting finding for disordered systems (s=0) is that the value of p(s) tends towards zero in the limits of the very long k-mers, k→∞, and very small critical concentrations d(c)→0. In this case, the introduction of defects results in a suppression of k-mer stacking and in the formation of empty or loose clusters with very low density. On the other hand, denser clusters are formed for ordered systems with p(s)≈0.065 at s=0.5 and p(s)≈0.38 at s=1.0.

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