
We study the percolation properties of force networks in an anisotropic model for granularpackings, the so-called q-model. Following the original recipe of Ostojic et al (2006 Nature439 828), we consider a percolation process in which forces smaller than a given thresholdf are deleted in the network. For a critical thresholdfc, the system experiences a transition akin to percolation. We determine the point of thistransition and its characteristic critical exponents applying a finite-size scaling analysisthat takes explicitly into account the directed nature of the q-model. By means of extensivenumerical simulations, we show that this percolation transition is strongly affected by theanisotropic nature of the model, yielding characteristic exponents which are neither thosefound in isotropic granular systems nor those in the directed version of standardpercolation. The differences shown by the computed exponents can be related to thepresence of strong directed correlations and mass conservation laws in the model underscrutiny.

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