
The objective of this study was to detwermine leachinglosses of Ca, Mg, K and nitric N in banana soils. The workwas conducted between 2003-2004 in the Venecia Farm inMatina, Limón, Costa Rica. Three nitrogen fertilizer sourceswere used: urea (U), ammonium nitrate (aN) and ammoniumsulfate (HS). Sampling was conducted at a depth of 60 cmusing lysimeters and the volume of percolated water (D) wascalculated using the indirect method of soil water balance(BHs). Irrespective of the sampling dates no statistical differenceswere determined found for pH. The concentration ofcalcium (Ca) in the leachate for different treatments duringdifferent times of sampling, was not significant, but significantdifferences were found between treatment with U withrespect to treatment of NA and SA. No differences betweenthe NA and SA or in the average concentrations of magnesium(Mg) and potassium (K) in the leachate were observed.In the case of nitric nitrogen, significant differences weredetected only between the NA regarding the U and SA, bothin general and between sampling dates.

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