
The apparel and clothing attributes important to persons with disabilities are poorly understood. The purpose of this study was to identify apparel attributes of persona] value to persons using a wheelchair and used to evaluate clothing. Four focus group interviews on three categories of clothing, formal wear, casual wear, and undergarments, were conducted with 19 female wheelchair users. Participants discussed clothing generally and after viewing garments designed especially for people with disabilities. Analysis of the content of the interviews yielded 49 phrases or words that could be categorized into Physical Appearance, Physical Performance, Expressiveness, and Extrinsic Attributes. Participants were concerned most about Physical Appearance for which criteria are observable attributes of the garment. Attributes of value in order of importance are styling of garment, fabric, garment construction, and color. The Physical Performance criteria include in order of attention benefits of physical aspects such as convenience, performance of garment, fabric, and effect of care. Expressiveness criteria evoked participants' feelings and reaction to use. Extrinsic Attribute criteria are those used to evaluate and nuke purchase decisions and are of less importance. These 19 persons with disability value casual clothing which had regular features. Results describe useful information on the criteria disabled persons use to evaluate clothing for use.

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