
A cross sectional study was conducted to find out the knowledge and attitudes of school teachers regarding sex education. Information was collected from 476 senior secondary school teachers belonging both to the government and public schools, selected randomly in National Capital Territory of Delhi using pre-tested close ended questionnaires. A majority of school teachers (73%) were in favour of imparting sex education to school children. Regarding contents of sex education, 90% agreed to the inclusion of reproductive anatomy, physiology including menstruation and birth control measures like condoms and oral pills. However, a majority of school teachers did not want sex education to include topics like abortion, premarital sex and masturbation etc. Fourteen years of age was considered to be the most appropriate for imparting sex education by 28.6% of school teachers. School teachers and doctors were considered by 69.4% and 63.6% of the respondents respectively to be the most appropriate persons for providing sex education.

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