
The broad objective of this study is to assess the perceptions of crop farmers on the effects of land management practices in selected rural areas in the northern guinea savanna of agro ecological zone of Kaduna State. Purposive sampling technique was employed in collecting data from three hundred and eighty (380) rural farmers with structured questionnaire administered. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistical techniques such as frequency tables, mean and percentages to summarize the data. The study revealed that socio- economic characteristics such as age, gender, educational status, farming experience, farmland size and land ownership had influence on the farmers’ choice of practices being adopted. The study also identify these common land management practices as mulching, irrigation, organic manure, fertilizer application, and agro-forestry, where 53% of the farmers adopted fertilizer application and 29% of total sample practiced organic manure application. The Farmers perceived five land management practices had positive effects on the environment and farm productivity; these are cover crop, crop rotation, irrigation, organic manure and fertilizer application. Therefore, the study concluded that the farming population is ageing and that is adversely affecting the choice of best practices due to lack of education and knowledge to adopt the best land management practice and also the choice of land management practices had great significant difference both negative and positive on environment and farm productivity in this agro-ecological zone of Kaduna State. The study recommended that agricultural extension programmes should be encouraged to boost the famers’ knowledge in adopting the most appropriate practices for different socio-economic and environmental problems.

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