
This study primarily aims to gather initial data on the quantity of four universities, Battambang province in Cambodia, with a secondary goal of characterizing student dropout patterns. The collected data was intended to inform the Cambodian government’s recent initiatives to decrease dropout rates and increase numbers of enrollment. Data was gathered from three universities and an upper secondary school, using a sample size of 120 participants who completed a questionnaire. The data was then analyzed using Microsoft Excel and the R program. The results were utilized to investigate the reasons behind student dropouts in grades 10, 11, and 12, and to devise strategies to prevent such occurrences. The study’s findings highlighted that: The correlation circle, which represents the impact of all factors contributing to student dropout, showed significant contributions from factors accounting for 10% (0.1) to 40% (0.4) of the total variances. There are varying perceptions regarding student dropout. This study helps us comprehend the key factors influencing dropout rates, which include domestic violence (DoVio), student health issues (Unhe), school violence (SchVio), parental attitudes (PaAtt), and immigration (Imm), which are still prevalent issues.

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