
Kuala Lumpur International Airport 2 (KLIA2) that located at Sepang is a hub for both local and international low cost airlines. KLIA2 is the new airport in Malaysia that operated since 2014 accommodate about 45 million passengers every year. KLIA2 was comprises of Main Terminal Building (MTB), Sky bridge, Satellite Building, connected piers and a gateway@KLIA2 shopping mall which is attached to the car park facility with retail space of 32,000 sqm to accommodate 225 retail outlets. With this size of area, passenger need trolley to make ease for them carry out their luggage. This study was carried out to determine the perception of user on the current trolley at KLIA2 and future Automated Smart Trolley. Twenty respondents has been interview based on the questionnaires that has been develop. The overall finding of this research indicate that the majority of the respondents agreed with the development of Automated Smart Trolley.

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