
The traditional inhabitants of the Amazon settled on the banks of the several rivers and streams that cut through the forest, and from there they take their daily livelihood through hunting, fishing and handicrafts made from the materials found around them. The actions of protection, preservation, care and conservation are imperative to guarantee the survival of the place. Especially when disruptive events affect the local balance, such as the effects of climate change or the economic and health crises, such as the COVID pandemic19. By restricting the movement of people to avoid contagion and the spread of the disease, it also restricted the spectrum of daily activities for a good portion of the population, which caused disruption in the system. Based on semi-open interview techniques and direct observation of economic entrepreneurs, the São João do Lago do Tupé riverside community, located in the Tupé Development Reserve, Manaus, Amazonas, the study aims to analyze the perception of the vulnerability of these enterprises in the market, finance, organization and cooperation dimensions and assess the state of resilience in the face of the adverse conditions that may reach them.


  • Preservation, care and conservation are imperative to guarantee the survival of the place

  • Perception of the vulnerability of these enterprises in the Scattered across this almost continent, its market, finance, organization and cooperation dimensions and traditional inhabitants settled on the banks of the various assess the state of resilience in the face of the adverse rivers and streams that cut through the forest, taking conditions that may reach them

  • The weakness of the Cooperation dimension seems to be the most important element to contribute to the balance of the system, since the participation of local politics, the financing by credit cooperatives and the active participation in solidarity economy networks and enterprises, could contribute to address means of subsistence, depredation of the landscape and the harmful effects of climate change that accelerated by human activity even very far from there reach them

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Traditional territories are the necessary spaces for

Based on semi-open interview techniques and cultural, social and economic reproduction of traditional direct observation of economic entrepreneurs located in Perception of the Vulnerability and the Resilience Status of Local Economic Enterprises: The Case Study of the São João Do Lago Do Tupé Community the São João do Lago do Tupé riverside community, conceptual scheme, the more abstract analytical located in the Tupé Development Reserve, Manaus, dimensions or categories allow us to distinguish. In the resilience present in the systemic approach of the organization dimension, the aim is to analyze the epidemiological approach or, in the interaction perception of the organizational, operational, and of the economic, social and environmental components administrative structure of the enterprise and, in of sustainability (ELKINGTON, 2008). At the heart of the process of knowing, overcoming and mastering natural phenomena, man transcends himself and ends up promoting articulations between his intentions and the existing world, having nature as a life support, producing, as distribution not being homogeneous or fortuitous He considers that “the disease in the population is a dynamic phenomenon and its spread depends on the interaction between the exposure and the susceptibility of the individuals and constituent groups of that population to the determinants of the presence of the disease”. Through the full and effective exercise of citizenship: the socio-environmental, economic, and cultural plurality of communities and traditional peoples that interact in different biomes and ecosystems, whether in rural or urban areas, as well as, among others, recognition, and consolidation rights (BRASIL, 2007, p. 040)

The basic objective of the sustainable
Perception of Performance
Strongly Agree
The participation and involvement of the
Community members also complain about
Unidades de Conservação da Natureza e dá outras
Desenvolvimento Sustentável dos Povos e
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