
Digital library has the capabilities of storing various electronic information resources which can conveniently be accessed by remote end-users via computer networks and the Internet. In recent times, Universities in Nigeria have embarked on integration of technologies in their operations for improvement, especially with respect to digitisation of academic information resources. However, with the huge investment committed to establishment of digital libraries in Nigerian Universities, less research has been done on their acceptance and usage from the users' perspective, more especially with respect to the fit of digital library with students' tasks. This study, therefore, investigated task-technology fit of digital libraries in three Nigerian Universities and identified factors influencing use of digital library by the students. Survey design guided the study and a questionnaire was used to collect data from 402 students. The study found a high usage of digital library among the students. A moderate positive correlation and significant relationship was found between the independent variables (task characteristics, technology characteristics, attitude, computer self-efficacy and task-technology fit) and use of digital library. The study validates the TTF model which posits that for an information system to be utilised, it must be a good fit for the tasks it supports.

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