
Covid-19 emergency online learning requires a simultaneous transformation from face-to-face learning to online learning. The goal of this reseach is to know comprehensively about the perception of Students of the English Tadris Study Program on the effectiveness of online learning during the pandemic at IAIN Pontianak. Based on observations and interviews by several Students of the English Tadris Study Program, online lectures took place with various obstacles. The pros and cons occur among students related to the implementation of online learning. Most students prefer lectures to be conducted face-to-face due to various factors, including: boredom due to lack of direct interaction with friends and lecturers, too much burdened with assignments by lecturers, unsupportive internet access, even to the point of frustration due to lack of finance to accommodate online learning. However, the current conditions do not allow lectures to be conducted offline for all students. Then this should be a more concern for the English Tadris Study Program to evaluate and improve in the future to accommodate the problems faced by students during online learning during the pandemic.

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