
Multiple studies have been recorded regarding the perception of abortion among students in the health area. To know if medical-scientific training is sufficient to generate a change in the perception of first-year students of the National Autonomous University of Mexico Faculty of Medicine. A cross-sectional survey was applied in two times, with the level of relationship between the items of each dimension being analyzed using Cramer's V test. The results were compared to analyze if there was a change in the perception of abortion after the human embryology course. With an initial population of 2,150 students, 393 pre-course and 394 post-course surveys were conducted. The results indicated that despite the existence of changes in the perception of Faculty of Medicine students with regard to abortion, they are not significant. The medical-scientific training provided by the human embryology course is not enough to provide foundations to the perception of students on issues such as abortion or conscientious objection.

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