
This article presents the results of some educational research about connecting the academic and professional environments in the education degree within two Catalan universities (UAB, UdG). The goal of this study is to analyse perceptions of faculty members, psychomotricity teachers and students about formative assessment in Project of Oriented Learning (POL) to facilitate the acquisition of psychomotor professional skills in pre-service education. This research has been developed in two obligatory subjects in two Spanish university degrees, with a sample of 170 students, 2 lecturers and 7 psychomotricity teachers. Both subjects have developed an assessment and learning activity called: documentation psychomotor session in groups, in POL format. This study is conceived within the interpretative approach, also called qualitative, naturalist or humanist. Two research techniques are used; a Likert scale questionnaire and two focus groups. Statistical analysis was carried out through arithmetic mean and the standard deviation. The qualitative analysis of the focus groups has been done using the categorical analysis. The resulting data and the conclusions reveal that students: a) are generally satisfied with the assessment and shared or co-assessment developed in the POL; b) this assessment has benefited their acquisition of professional skills; c) feedback allows students to be more aware of their process and their mistakes; and d) students, lecturers and teachers agree on the need to review the POL assessment instruments and assess them through rubrics.

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