
U članku se razmatra percepcija Dalmacije u odabranim stranim, ponajprije francuskim, britanskim, talijanskim, njemačkim i američkim leksikografskim djelima. Znanja o nekom prostoru mogu se steći neposrednim iskustvom (primarnim), tj. vlastitim doživljajem samog prostora i posrednim (sekundarnim) iskustvom, tj. iz tekstualnih opisa, grafičkih i kartografskih prikaza. Geografska spoznaja je određeni tip prostorne kognicije koji pridonosi stvaranju vlastite mentalne karte nekog prostora. Mogućnost postojanja različitih inačica takve mentalne karte veća je ako je riječ o većim prostorima koje se ne može percipirati u cjelini ili o prostorima koje su obilježile velike promjene tijekom historijsko-geografskog razvitka. Veliku važnost znanja o nepoznatom i manje poznatom prostoru ima posredno iskustvo koje se stječe korištenjem sekundarnih i tercijarnih izvora geografskih podataka. Među tim izvorima geografskih podataka dostupnošću, sustavnošću i sažetošću ističu se leksikografska djela, a među njima enciklopedije, leksikoni i geografski rječnici. Problemi pri definiranju prostornog obuhvata Dalmacije u takvim djelima proistječu iz činjenice da ta hrvatska regija nije nastala na temelju postupnoga višestoljetnoga razvoja unutar jedne državne zajednice, već kao regija na dodirnom području triju sila (Mletačke Republike, Osmanlijskog Carstva i Habsburške Monarhije), bitno različitog obuhvata od istoimene rimske velike provincije koja je sezala od Jadrana do Posavine ili pak bizantske teme koju su činile pojedine male i teritorijalno međusobno nepovezane gradske zajednice na sjeveroistočnoj obali Jadrana.


  • Experts from different scientific disciplines are occupied with defining space and analyzing spatial identities in general

  • In contemporary perception of its borders, Dalmatia did not originate as a result of gradual centennial development within one state, but as a region on the contact of three powerful states (Venetian Republic, the Ottoman Empire and the Habsburg Monarchy), whose aerial extent is significantly different from the extent of the great Roman province that stretched from the Adriatic to Posavina or from the Byzantine theme that was comprised of several small and territorially disconnected urban communities on the northeastern Adriatic coast

  • Modern perception of Dalmatia is mainly based on territorial extent of the Austrian Kingdom of Dalmatia, with the exception of Rab Island, which is geographically related to Kvarner area and functionally to PrimorjeGorski kotar area, and with the exception of Boka kotorska, which was annexed to another state (Montenegro) after the First World War

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Experts from different scientific disciplines (including geographers, sociologists, anthropologists, social psychologists and historians) are occupied with defining space and analyzing spatial identities in general. An approach that differed from physical spatial analysis developed through implementation of humanistic and behavioristic approach in geography during 1970s (Norton, 2006) Humanistic approach introduced the element of subjectivity, which analyzes the emotional bonds between people and space (topophilia) that contribute to the perception of space and to spatial identity of the population that inhabits that space Such approach considers both physical and spiritual dimension of space (Buttimer, Seamon, 1980). Besides introducing the element of subjectivity in analyzing space, the behavioristic concept introduced the model of cognitive (perceptive) experience of space (Norton, 2006) In this way the space becomes a research object in which the subjects are different social groups (passive and active ones), since the space reflects the spheres of human relations and activities

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