
The percentages of bound testosterone (17 β-hydroxy-4-androsten-3-one; T) and dihydrotestosterone (17 β-hydroxy-5 α-androstan-3-one; DHT) and their unbound concentrations were determined in pregnant rabbits and their fetuses from the 18th day of gestation to birth. T and DHT were also measured in fetal testes. In the testis, the total T/total DHT ratio, very high at 22 days (73.7±15.2), decreased until birth (6.7±0.8). In male fetuses the concentrations of total and unbound circulating T and DHT were always low and did not show any peak during sexual organogenesis. The percent binding of T (from 73.0±0.5 to 77.6±0.6) and DHT (from 76.5 to 83.7±1.1) in fetuses were similar in both sexes and significantly lower than those measured in mothers (T: from 87.2±0.6 to 91.6 ±0.9; DHT: from 87.3±0.9 to 93.8±0.9).

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