
ABSTRACT This paper reports the results of a survey of 404 US mathematics education faculty regarding their research expectations for obtaining tenure. Survey questions asked about participants’ perceptions of expected numbers of publications per year, and how much different types of publications (e.g. journal articles, book chapters) and scholarly activities (e.g. giving presentations, obtaining funding) were valued. Statistical analyses were used to examine differences in these results across three demographic characteristics (institution type, research commitment, department). We found statistically significant differences related to each of these variables. Research expectations varied substantially across institution type. For example, the average expected number of yearly publications was 2.23, 1.63, and .99 papers at R1, R2, and Other institutions respectively. By contrast, research expectations seldom varied by department. We conclude with implications of these findings for individual faculty, mathematics education programs, and to the broader field of mathematics education. Given the variation that exists across institutions, departments, and percent time doing research, it would seem beneficial to all for expectations documents to make explicit mention of expected number of publications, how much various types of publications count, how much other types of scholarly activities count, and whether those activities are necessary.

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