
While most scholars who study masculinity focus on men and leave out women, masculinity also exists among women and bears the same consequences. This study aims to show that masculinity exists among Basotho women as their litolobonya songs testify. Scholars of masculinity have shown that it is acquired. Generally, it is the quality of masculinity that makes someone masculine, not their gender. Among the Basotho, expressions such as Ke monna kaofela (He is a full man) do not solely refer to men but are also used to refer to females who have character traits of men. Masculinity is associated with character traits that one reflects in this society. Therefore, the definition of masculinity relies heavily on each society. The social, religious, political and economic factors, to a great extent, influence masculinity. Through cathexis masculinity, this study analyses data to find out if Basotho women’s songs prove that like men, they have masculine qualities. Data was collected through formal and informal interviews. This study concludes that Basotho women’s songs portray the existence of masculinity among them and as such need support to construct a form of masculinity conducive for their society.

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